Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A wager

I have been fighting off a cold for the last couple of days. I have a sore throat and feel kind of icky, mostly just really weak. Or, ummmm weaker than normal. When I am not feeling well my inclination is to eat not so great food. Food like Mac and Cheese and pizza and large quantities of egg noodles in a very small amount of chicken broth. This week I have not done that at all.

The reason is not because I have suddenly become a well behaved individual that eats like an adult. Nope, the reason is that there is money riding on it. I have made a bet with the Wiggen Clan that I will follow my diet to the tee or pay them $50 a week. This bet goes both ways so feel free to offer them a cupcake. I am just kidding leave them a lone or be supportive. Do not give them a hard time.

This was Dori's idea and it was a good one. I might have eaten at pie pushers for an extra $10 but not for $50. The cheat has to hurt. It is a stick approach. Why a stick rather than a carrot? Because I will ignore the carrot when offered a delicious bag of fried clams.

If you want to do this to yourself you can go to StickK.


  1. Reminds me of this radio lab episode.

  2. That's an awesome idea. Are paleo cupcakes ok? ;P

    Yay Radiolab! Yay Jon for reminding me of it!
