Friday, October 28, 2011


CFD has several blogs written by various members of our community.  I just read this one.  Which lead me to read the comments on this one.  I never read the comments section.  It just does not occur to me to do it.  I read it on my own blog, but I feel like they are not talking to me on other blogs.  So, I don't know... I guess I feel nosy when I do it.
The funny thing about the original blog is that it did not occur to me to view it the way others did.  Maybe it is because I am also self-deprecating and I know the feeling.  For me it is kind of a guilt, that I have to talk myself out of when WODing.  I start to think: you should be able to keep up with her or him.  Why do I suck so much?  Crap! Everyone is finished but me.  If you have never gone through this while WODing then that is awesome.  Seriously, I wish I did not do this to myself.
Most of the time, I love when people cheer for me.  A week ago we did Fran.  I have not done Fran in 2 years.  The last time I did it was at the cert.  I have not been avoiding her.  It just never happened on days that I was around.  When I did it at the cert it was not Rx.  This time it was.  My first Rx Fran.
We had an uneven number of people in the class so I did not have a partner to cheer or count for me.  (I know, very sad)  It was my own fault.  I got so nervous that I thought I should go pee before hand and that is when everyone picked their partner.  I have no clue why I got nervous.  I am just silly like that.  Anyway, while I was on the first round of thrusters I thought to myself, you should be able to keep up with Sarah.  And then I thought... Are you Fucking crazy?  There is no way you should be able to keep up with her.  She is much more badass then you are.  Just try not to put down the bar.  Okay, try not to put down the bar twice.  The funny thing is that 15 was the easiest.  I just went strait through and then at 9 I got to the bar and it was really heavy.  Who added weight to my bar when I was at the pull-up bar?  That is when Chris came over and started counting for me.  He really pushed me and because I was on nine he did not ask how many I had left he just knew.  He also started cheering for me in front of me.  Both of these things are very crucial components to cheering well which I will cover in a second.  He got me through the end of that WOD and I was very grateful.
Cheering for Kiddo 101:
1) Please do not ask me how many I have left.  That requires math.  I am in no shape for math.  I count up.  Instead, ask what number I am on.  I can answer that one very quickly.  That is a much easier question.
2) Please start cheering within my line of site.  If you sneak up behind me and yell "Good Job!", you will scare the hell out of me.  As demonstrated by my bruises, I am not very spatially aware.  This could be dangerous to you me and everyone around us if I am lifting heavy weight. 
I guess that is pretty much it.  I do not have many rules.  The main thing is please refrain from startling me when I am WODing.

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